Mr. Ather Javed

Name Mr. Ather Javed
Designation Lecturer
Department Pharmacology
D.O.B 01/08/1982
TIN not assigned
Date-of-Joining 02/12/2011
Dissertation Title Drug Interaction Between Anti-diabetic Glibenclamide And Selective Anti-migerane Drug
Rec.-PG Teacher No
Apex-Body Reg. No. 36103



Degree Name University Month & Year
B.Pharm Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences March, 2008
M.Pharm Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences May, 2011


Degree Name University Month & Year
B.Pharm Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences March, 2008
M.Pharm Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences May, 2011

Under Graduate Experience

College Name Designation    From Date & To Date Degree Subject Taught
K.C.T College of Pharmacy Gulbarga Lecturer 02/12/2011 B.Pharm Pharmaceutics
